“trend_extrapolation” package — antiCPy 0.0.9 documentation (2024)

This is the antiCPy.trend_extrapolation package. It contains

  1. the class CPSegmentFit (basic serial implementation),

  2. the class BatchedCPSegmentFit (strongly parallelized version).

CPSegmentFit incorporates all attributes needed to implement the Bayesian non-parametric linear segment fitwhich takes into account possible change points (CPs). The basic procedure is described in [vdL14] [K14]and the nomenclature is chosen congruent to that. Each of the calculation steps is realizedby a class method of CP_segment_fit. You can follow the instructions of the citedpapers to interpret the coding. For example, the segment fit can be applied to drift slopeestimate \(\hat{\zeta}(t) \equiv y(x)\) time series computed with the antiCPy.early_warnings module.

The simple serial implementation CPSegmentFit can be rather time consuming. A first improvement is to used itsmultiprocessing option which computes each CP configuration in parallel with a predefined number of workers.Additionally, large amounts of CP configurations will without a doubt result in memory errors.The BatchedCPSegmentFit class solves these issues by parallel computation of batches of CP configurations whileeach worker only constructs a suitable subset of configurations. This leads to a major computation time improvement andavoids memory issues for a complicated CP segment fit with an arbitrary number of CPs.

class antiCPy.trend_extrapolation.batched_cp_segment_fit.BatchedCPSegmentFit(x_data, y_data, number_expected_changepoints, num_MC_cp_samples, batchsize=5000, predict_up_to=None, z_array_size=100, print_batch_info=True, efficient_memory_management=False)[source]

Bases: CPSegmentFit

The BatchedCPSegmentFit is a child class of CPSegmentFit. It can be used to calculatethe change point configurations with the corresponding segment fit in a strongly parallelized batch-wise manner to avoidmemory errors and speed up computation times significantly in the case of high amount of data andchange point configurations.


In any case make sure that you use

import multiprocessing...if __name__ == '__main__': multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn').

Windows should use the method 'spawn' by default. But in general it depends on your system, so it might be betterto set the option always before using a BatchedSegmentFit object. If you use a Linux distribution the method to createnew workers is usually fork. This will copy some features of the main process. Amongst others the needed lock toavoid race conditions, might be copied and the new process will freeze. After longer runs this leads to all processesgetting frozen and killed after some time. You end up with incomplete tasks, but without error message.

static init_batch_execute(memory_connectorI, memory_connectorII, memory_connectorIII, memory_connectorIV, memory_management, multiprocessing)[source]

Internal static method to initialize the workers of a multiprocessing pool.

static execute_batch(batch_num, print_batch_info, exact_sum_control, config_output, prepare_fit, total_batches, x, d, n_cp, batchsize, prediction_horizon, z_array, MC_cp_configurations, n_MC_samples, lock, first_round, second_round)[source]

Working order for the subprocesses. Creates a ``CPSegmentFit’’ object of the batch and calculates the corresponding CP pdfs.

cp_scan(print_sum_control=False, integration_method='Riemann sum', print_batch_info=True, config_output=False, prepare_fit=False, multiprocessing=True, num_processes='half', print_CPU_count=False)[source]

Adapted method from ``CPSegmentFit.cp_scan(…)’’ method for strong parallelization and batch structure.

fit(sigma_multiples=3, print_progress=True, print_batch_info=False, integration_method='Riemann sum', config_output=False, print_sum_control=True, multiprocessing=True, num_processes='half', print_CPU_count=False)[source]

Computes the segmental linear fit of the time series data with integrated change point assumptionsover the z_array which contains z_array_size equidistant data points in the range from thefirst entry of x up to the prediction_horizon. The fit results and corresponding variancesare saved in the attributes D_array and DELTA_D2_array, respectively.

  • sigma_multiples (float) – Specifies which multiple of standard deviations is chosen to determine theupper_uncertainty_bound and the lower_uncertainty_bound. Default is 3.

  • integration_method (str) – Determines the integration method to compute the change point probability.Default is 'Riemann sum' for numerical integration with rectangles. Alternatively, the'Simpson rule' can be chosen under the assumption of one change point.Sometimes the Simpson rule tends to be unstable. The method should be the same as theintegration method used in calculate_marginal_cp_pdf(...).

  • print_batch_info (bool) – If True, computed to total batches are printed. Default is ``False’’.

  • config_output (bool) – If True, the CP configurations of the current batch are printed. Default is ``False’’.

  • print_sum_control – If print_sum_control == True it prints whether the exact

or the approximate MC sum is computed. Default is False.:type print_sum_control: bool

  • multiprocessing (bool) – If True, the batches are computed by num_processes workers in parallel. Default is True.

  • num_processes (str, int) – Default is 'half'. If half, almost half of the CPU kernels are used. If 'all', all CPU kernelsare used. If integer number, the defined number of CPU kernels is used for multiprocessing.

  • print_CPU_count (bool) – If True, the total number of available CPU kernels is printed. Default is False.

class antiCPy.trend_extrapolation.cp_segment_fit.CPSegmentFit(x_data, y_data, number_expected_changepoints, num_MC_cp_samples, predict_up_to=None, z_array_size=100)[source]

The CP_segment_fit class contains tools to perform a Bayesian segmental fit under the assumptionof a certain number of change points.

  • x_data (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Given data on the x-axis. Saved in attribute x.

  • y_data (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Given data on the y-axis. Saved in attribute y.

  • number_expected_changepoints (int) – Number of expected change points in the fit.

  • num_MC_cp_samples (int) – Maximum number of MC summands that shall be incorporated in order toextrapolate the fit. Saved in attribute n_MC_samples

  • n_MC_samples (int) – Attribute contains the number of MC summands of the performed extrapolationof the fit. It is exact, whenever the number of possible change pointconfigurations is smaller than num_MC_cp_samples

  • cp_prior_pdf (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the flat prior probability of the considered change pointconfigurations.

  • num_cp_configs (int) – Attribute of the number of possible change point configurations.

  • exact_sum_control (bool) – If this attribute is True then the exact sum over all possible changepoint configurations will be computed in order to extrapolate the fit.If it is False, the given maximum number num_MC_cp_samples of summands issmaller than the number of all possible change point configurations and the sumis performed as an approximative sum over num_MC_cp_samples randomly chosenchange point configurations.

  • predict_up_to (float) – Defines the x-horizon of the extrapolation of the fit. Default is None,since it depends on the time scale of the given problem. It is saved in theattribute prediction_horizon.

  • d (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the given y_data.

  • x (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the given x_data.

  • A_matrix (Three-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples, x_data.size, number_expected_changepoints + 2)numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the coefficients of the linear segments for the consideredchange point configurations.

  • A_dim (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Contains the dimensions of the A_matrix.

  • N (int) – Attribute that contains the data size of the input x_data and y_data.

  • n_cp (int) – Attribute that contains the number_expected_changepoints.

  • MC_cp_configurations (Two-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples, number_expected_changepoints + 2)numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains all possible change point configurations under the given assumptions and amount of data.

  • f0 (Two-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples, number_expected_changepoints + 2) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that defines a matrix of mean design ordinates. Each row corresponds to a vectorof a specific configuration of change point positions.

  • x_start (float) – Attribute contains the start value of x_data / x.

  • x_end (float) – Attribute contains the end value of x_data / x.

  • prediction_horizon (float) – Attribute in which the upper limit of the extrapolation x-horizon is saved.

  • Q_matrix (Three-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples, number_expected_changepoints + 2,number_expected_changepoints + 2) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the matrices \(Q=A^{T}A\) of the considered change pointconfigurations.

  • Q_inverse (Three-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples, number_expected_changepoints + 2,number_expected_changepoints + 2) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the inverse Q_matrices of each considered change pointconfiguration.

  • Res_E (One-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples) numpy array of floats) – Attribute contains the residues \(R(E)=d^T d - \sum_k (u_k^Td)^2\) of each possiblechange point configuration \(E\).

  • marginal_likelihood_pdf (One-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the marginal likelihood of each change pointconfiguration.

  • marginal_log_likelihood (One-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the marginal natural logarithmic likelihoodof each change point configuration.

  • marginal_cp_pdf (One-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the normalized a posteriori probability of the computedchange point configurations. The normalization is valid for the grid of x_data.

  • prob_cp (One-dimensional (num_MC_cp_samples) numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains theprobability \(P(E \vert \underline{d}, \underline{x}, \mathcal{I})\) of a given changepoint configuration \(E\).

  • D_array (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Attribute that contains the fitted values in the interval from the beginning of the time seriesup to prediction_horizon.

  • DELTA_D2_array (One-dimensional numpy array of floats) – Attributes that contains the variances of the fitted values in D_array.

  • transition_time (float) – Attribute which contains the time at which the extrapolated function crosses zero.

  • upper_uncertainty_bound (float) – Attribute which contains the time at which the upper uncertaintyboundary crosses zero.

  • lower_uncertainty_bound (float) – Attribute which contains the time at which the lower uncertaintyboundary crosses zero.

initialize_MC_cp_configurations(print_sum_control=False, config_output=False)[source]

Defines the array MC_cp_configurations of all possible change point configurations including startand end x if the exact sum is computed. Otherwise it creates an approximate set of random changepoint configurations based on the cited literature.

  • print_sum_control (bool) – If print_sum_control == True it prints whether the exactor the approximate MC sum is computed. Default is False.

  • config_output (bool) – If True the possible change point configurations withoutstart and end data point and the shape of the corresponding array are printed.Additionally, the MC_cp_configurations attribute and its shape is printed. The attributeincludes the start and end values. Default is False.


Creates the A_matrices of the MC summands which correspond to possible change point configurations.


Computes the Q_matrices and the inverse of them for each MC summand which corresponds to a possiblechange point configuration.


Calculates f0 as the mean \(f_0\) of the normal distribution that characterizes theprobability density function of the ordinate vectors \(f\).


Computes Res_E the residue \(R(E)\) of each MC summand.


Computes the marginal_log_likelihood as \(1/Z (R(E))^{(N-3)/2}\) andthe corresponding marginal_likelihood of each considered change point configuration.

calculate_marginal_cp_pdf(integration_method='Riemann sum')[source]

Calculates the marginal posterior marginal_cp_pdf of each possible configuration ofchange point positions and normalizes the resulting probability density function.Therefore, the normalization constant is determined by integration of the resulting pdfvia the simpson rule.


integration_method (str) – Determines the integration method to compute the normalization.Default is 'Riemann sum' for performing numerical integration via a sum of rectangleswith the sample width. Alternatively, the 'Simpson rule' can be chosen in the caseof one possible change point. Sometimes the Simpson rule tends to be unstable.The method should be the same as the integration method used in calculate_cp_prob(...).

calculate_prob_cp(integration_method='Riemann sum')[source]

Calculates the probability prob_cp of each configuration of change point positions.


integration_method (str) – Determines the integration method to compute the change point probability.Default is 'Riemann sum' for numerical integration with rectangles. Alternatively, the'Simpson rule' can be chosen under the assumption of one change point.Sometimes the Simpson rule tends to be unstable. The method should be the same as theintegration method used in calculate_marginal_cp_pdf(...).


z (float) – The x-data for which an extrapolated value D with variance DELTA_D2 shall be calculated.


The extrapolated y-data point D and its variance DELTA_D2 for a given x-data point z.

cp_scan(print_sum_control=False, integration_method='Riemann sum', config_output=False)[source]

Perform a change point scan on the dataset.

  • print_sum_control (Boolean) – If print_sum_control = True it prints whether the exactor the approximate MC sum is computed. Default is False.

  • integration_method (str) – Determines the integration method to compute the change point probability.Default is 'Riemann sum' for numerical integration with rectangles. Alternatively, the'Simpson rule' can be chosen under the assumption of one change point.Sometimes the Simpson rule tends to be unstable. The method should be the same as theintegration method used in calculate_marginal_cp_pdf(...).

fit(sigma_multiples=3, print_progress=True, integration_method='Riemann sum', config_output=False, print_sum_control=True)[source]

Computes the segmental linear fit of the time series data with integrated change point assumptionsover the z_array which contains z_array_size equidistant data points in the range from thefirst entry of x up to the prediction_horizon. The fit results and corresponding variancesare saved in the attributes D_array and DELTA_D2_array, respectively.

  • sigma_multiples – Specifies which multiple of standard deviations is chosen to determine theupper_uncertainty_bound and the lower_uncertainty_bound. Default is 3.

  • print_progress (bool) – If True the currently predicted data count is printed and updated successively.

  • integration_method (str) – Determines the integration method to compute the change point probability.Default is 'Riemann sum' for numerical integration with rectangles. Alternatively, the'Simpson rule' can be chosen under the assumption of one change point.Sometimes the Simpson rule tends to be unstable. The method should be the same as theintegration method used in calculate_marginal_cp_pdf(...).

static batched_compute_CP_pdfs(m, lock)[source]

Contains the working order to compute the marginal ordinal CP pdfs in a batchwise and parallelized manner.

compute_CP_pdfs(multiprocessing=True, num_processes='half', print_CPU_count=False, print_progress=True)[source]

Computes the marginal ordinal CP pdfs and stores them in the attribute self.CP_pdfs.

  • multiprocessing (bool) – If True, the computations are parallelized on num_process workers. Default is True.

  • num_processes (str or int) – Default is 'half'. The computations are parallelized on half of the available CPU kernels.If 'all', all kernels are used. You can also choose a specific number of CPU kernelsfor parallelization, if you pass an integer number here.

  • print_CPU_count (bool) – If True, the number of available CPU kernels on the machine is shown. Default is False.

  • print_progress (bool) – If True, the already computed batches to total batches are shown. Default is True`.


Computes the expected value of each ordinal CP position of the model. Implemented only if the CP configurationsare stored in self.MC_cp_configurations.

“batched_configs_helper” subpackage

The helper package enables the construction of CP configuration batches to avoid memory errors. It implementsmethods which are required for the memory efficient version of the parallelized CP analysis.

antiCPy.trend_extrapolation.batched_configs_helper.create_configs_helper.construct_start_combinations_helper(data, total_data, tuple_num, pick_out_combination)[source]

Internal helper method to construct the first CP configuration of a certain batch. It assumes to draw thepick_out_combination from a total list of configurations in a systematic combinatoric order.

antiCPy.trend_extrapolation.batched_configs_helper.create_configs_helper.extrapolate_batch_combinations(data, batch_size, tuple_num, pick_out_combination)[source]

Internal helper method to extrapolate the next batch_size CP configurations starting with the one constructed bythe helper method construct_start_combinations_helper in systematic order.

antiCPy.trend_extrapolation.batched_configs_helper.create_configs_helper.batched_configs(batch_num, batch_size, x, prediction_horizon, n_cp, exact_sum_control=False, config_output=False)[source]

Internal helper method to initialize the CP configuration of a given batch.



Linden, W., Dose, V., & Toussaint, U. (2014). Bayesian Probability Theory:Applications in the Physical Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.doi:10.1017/CBO9781139565608


A. Klöckner, F. van der Linden, and D. Zimmer, in Proceedings of the 10th InternationalModelica Conference, March 10-12, 2014, Lund, Sweden (Linköping University Electronic Press, 2014)

“trend_extrapolation” package — antiCPy 0.0.9 documentation (2024)
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