pom resin - China Customs HS Code & China Import Tariffs for pom resin, page 1 (2025)



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pom resin - China Customs HS Code & China Import Tariffs for pom resin, page 1 (1)

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Updated: 01/25/2024

3506919090Other adhesives based on rubber or plastic or artificial resin (other than epoxy resin)

CIQ Code »301:Flammable liquid 302:Other chemical products 303:Student adhesive (illegal testing)

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:English Goods Names are required for optically transparent film adhesive and photo-curable liquid adhesive;3:Usage (e.g. for display or touch screen manufacturing);4:Packing specification;5:Shade packaging needs to indicate;6:Content;7:For optic transparent film adhesive and photocuring liquid adhesive, please indicate light transmittance.;8:For optically transparent film adhesive, absorption capacity is required;9:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);10:Model;11:GTIN;12:CAS;13:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)90MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

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3926400000Statuettes and other ornamental articles, of plastics

CIQ Code »999:Statuettes and other ornamental articles, of plastics

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Material (plastic variety);4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Model;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)100MFN (Most-favored Nation)6.5
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

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3907101010Polyoxymethylene(pom),other than homopom and modification of pom

CIQ Code »999:Other chemical products

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Appearance (color, Shape, etc.);3:Content;4:Unit variety and percentage;5:Source of base material (recycled material, bottle flakes, new material, secondary brand material, etc.);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);7:Model;8:Contracting date;9:Uses (film grade, injection grade, blow molding grade, injection grade, wire drawing grade, cable grade, etc.);10:GTIN;11:CAS;12:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)45MFN (Most-favored Nation)6.5
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports22.5Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-SubsidyView

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

3907101090Other polyoxymethylene(pom)

CIQ Code »999:Other chemical products

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Appearance (color, Shape, etc.);3:Content;4:Unit variety and percentage;5:Source of base material (recycled material, bottle flakes, new material, secondary brand material, etc.);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);7:Model;8:Contracting date;9:Uses (film grade, injection grade, blow molding grade, injection grade, wire drawing grade, cable grade, etc.);10:GTIN;11:CAS;12:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)45MFN (Most-favored Nation)6.5
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports22.5Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

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3915909000Other waste, parings and scrap, of plastics

CIQ Code »101:Waste plastics excluding waste PET beverage bottles (bricks) 102:Waste plastics excluding waste PET beverage bottles (bricks) 301:Substances liable to spontaneous combustion

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Sources;3:Ingredient;4:Whether be in destructive process;5:If in rolls, please indicate whether with pivot;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)6.5
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate0
Regulations & Restrictions9Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

3926909090Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading no.39.01 to 39.14

CIQ Code »301:Acupoint magnetic therapy equipment (illegal detection) 302:Scraping tools (illegal inspection) 303:Cupping utensils (illegal inspection) 990:Other plastic products

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Material (plastic variety);4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Model;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;

Goods under this HS code »

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC CertificateViewIn-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

3506919020Optically transparent film and light curing liquid adhesive,specifically or primarily used for screen or touch screen manufacturing,including based on artificial resin(other than epoxy resin)

CIQ Code »301:Flammable liquid 302:Other chemical products

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:English Goods Names are required for optically transparent film adhesive and photo-curable liquid adhesive;3:Usage (e.g. for display or touch screen manufacturing);4:Packing specification;5:Shade packaging needs to indicate;6:Content;7:For optic transparent film adhesive and photocuring liquid adhesive, please indicate light transmittance.;8:For optically transparent film adhesive, absorption capacity is required;9:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);10:Model;11:GTIN;12:CAS;13:Other;

Goods under this HS code »W1000MM,20600026,Temporary bonding glue,Touch-screen manufacturing adhesives 081,LCD screen with,Optically clear film adhesive,Acrylate,Cropped,Optically transparent solid plastic,The optical double-sided adhesive 1,011,407,Touch-screen manufacturing adhesives 002,Optically transparent double-sided adhesive,20680006,Iwatch communication with watch,The optical double-sided adhesive 15H84,

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)90MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

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3209901090Other paints and varnishes (including porcelain and lacquer) based on epoxy resin dispersed or dissolved in aqueous media, except for those with volatile organic compound content greater than 420 g/L in the construction state

CIQ Code »301:Paints that are hazardous chemicals 302:Coatings not classified as hazardous chemicals 303:Flammable liquid 304:Other chemical products (legal inspection)

Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Content;3:Usage;4:Volatile organic compound content under construction (expressed in "g/L");5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Model;7:Whether it is used in integrated circuit production;8:GTIN;9:CAS;10:Other;

Goods under this HS code »SPXT,Paint base material,Water based primer,Electrophoretic coating of epoxy resin,PASTE,Water-based varnish ECODEX,Primer,Isolation paint,Wall 700,Emulsion,Part B epoxy primer,Epoxy undercoating curing agent,10LVF,Epoxy topcoat curing agent,Epoxy intermediate coat B,

UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports22.5Export Tax Rebate0
Regulations & RestrictionsAInspection & QuarantineM/Consumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

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All the information, data and documents are provided by ETCN only for your reference. ETCN promises to collect and edit them in due care but shall not be liable for their correction and accuracy. In case of any discrepancy, official versions and interpretations shall prevail.

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    pom resin - China Customs HS Code & China Import Tariffs for pom resin, page 1 (2025)
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